"We bring pragmatism to companies in their transformation efforts"

"We bring pragmatism to companies in their transformation efforts"

Sergio Alcaraz, President of CIAC

AutoRevista - It could be said that we are facing a resurgence or renaissance of the automotive and mobility industry in Catalonia, what role should the CIAC play?


Sergio Alcaraz.-  This dynamic is due to the transformation that the sector is undergoing, but also to the positioning of Catalonia in the face of this transformation and to continue to be an important player, as it has always been, to transform the industry in the new mobility ecosystem and also to attract investment. On this last point we are beginning to see the results, with such recent examples of positive news, one more, as the construction of a SEAT battery cell assembly plant in Martorell [announced on 17 July].


This shows that, although we do not have a battery production plant, we are involved in the electric vehicle powertrain in our industrial network. With regard to CIAC, the objective is to continue to evolve, based on the work carried out over the last ten years, to continue serving companies in this new mobility ecosystem, with the fastest and most efficient transformation possible, while maintaining competitiveness.


In this sense, cooperation with other clusters in Spain and Europe and the integration of other agents within a transversal collaboration with other Catalan clusters are important in order to respond not only to the classic supply chain but also to the new mobility ecosystem.


AR.- Does the cluster plan to include the word mobility in the name of its identity?


S.A.- The concept of mobility is already integrated in CIAC. Our current strategic plan is based on sustainable mobility. We do not believe that evolution is a reason to change our name. We believe in collaboration, as I said, with other clusters, maintaining the aims of each cluster which, in our case, is to promote the important specific weight that the automotive sector has had in the Catalan economy and which we believe it will also have in the future.


AR. With approximately 200 associates, how will the cluster continue to grow throughout Catalonia?


S.A.- We want to expand our profile of associates not only at the level of different agents within the supply chain but also geographically. In fact, we are incorporating new partners. From our desire to serve companies, we clearly explain to the mobility-related industry the potential of being able to belong to an ecosystem that is becoming increasingly relevant. We will continue to work along these lines.


AR.- How is CIAC working to be a prescriber of different mobility solutions?


S.A.- We are talking about sustainable mobility, not a single technology, although we are aware that the most established, affordable and stable technology is electric mobility. This does not mean that we are not paying attention to other technologies that may evolve faster than expected, such as the hydrogen cell. We have entities such as Vall de l'Hidrogen or Battech, with whom we are collaborating to see the technological possibilities. At the same time, what we are doing is also providing pragmatism to companies in their transformation efforts in a restrictive economy, where sometimes there are difficulties in terms of financing.  


We must concentrate our efforts on what we can really be effective at, which does not mean that we cannot make progress in other lines of technological development, such as new sustainable, recycled and natural materials. I usually say that sustainability is going to be the vector, the main axis of our actions, which is going to drive many lines of development, minimising the carbon footprint.


AR.- How are you working in the Diagonal reflection group in which ANFAC participates?


S.A.- This is an initiative proposed by ANFAC, on the basis of which a working group has been set up with business actors and also with social agents. We have held several sessions dealing with a series of specific areas in everything that affects mobility in order to configure a common positioning, explaining the points of view for the development of mobility at a social and value chain level in order to remain competitive and relevant.


AR.- How are you working on the development of infrastructures, especially in the railway sector?


S.A.- In a global vision of sustainable mobility, the role of railways must be considered. Both freight and passenger transport. In Catalonia, we collaborate with the in-Move cluster to look for efficient transversal logistics elements in this field and also for the automotive sector, which we do through our Logistics Commission. We support the deployment of development initiatives in rail and multimodal transport.


AR.- How does the cluster collaborate in attracting foreign investment?


S.A.- In this field, the leadership corresponds to the Generalitat de Catalunya, through ACCIÓ. However, any potential investment that is considering setting up in Catalonia must analyse the ecosystem with which it will interact. This is where we come in, working closely with the Generalitat so that when these opportunities arise, we can act as prescribers of our characteristics and the strengths of our territory with a view to a possible investment.


AR.- After ten years of existence, some 200 members and numerous projects underway, what are the keys to the future of the cluster?


S.A.- I don't think that the principles and objectives with which the cluster has developed will change. It is about collaboration, foresight to understand the market, and the constant search for projects and initiatives that reach our companies. One of the main characteristics of the cluster is its dynamism when it comes to undertaking projects that in the case of small and medium-sized companies could not be undertaken alone. We will continue to address the current transformation, the change of business model, expanding our sphere of influence not only geographically, but also collaborating, in a solid way, with other agents and entities in cross-cutting initiatives that continue to reach companies.


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Interview published in AutoRevista 2.383 issue


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