AM Solutions shines a light about additive manufacturing trends

AM Solutions shines a light about additive manufacturing trends

SAUBER Christoph Hansen (2)
Christoph Hansen, Director of Technology and Innovation at Sauber Engineering.

AM Solutions, specialist in additive manufacturing/3D printing solutions, brand of Rösler, a benchmark in the fields of surface preparation and surface finishing, will seek to specify future keys to the world of additive manufacturing in its series of live events 'Inside AM', in six deliveries beginning June 9. The guest of the first event will be Christoph Hansen, Director of Technology and Innovation at Sauber Engineering, a member of the Swiss Sauber Group. Internationally, this company is not only known through the Formula 1 team, operated by Sauber, Alfa Romeo Racing Orlen. Its origins stem from the demand to make racing cars faster, lighter and more reliable. Sauber tackled these challenging problems with additive manufacturing and today can be considered a pioneer in this field. 

Christoph Hansen commented: “When AM Solutions presented this new discussion concept to me, I immediately liked the idea to look at Additive Manufacturing from different angles and from the view of different industries. It is honest and informative. I look forward to report to the viewers, how we started exploring the possibilities of AM, and how we expanded the use of this manufacturing technology beyond just the Formula One racing cars ". The live broadcast with Christoph Hansen will air on Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. The following live online events will take place once a month. The exact dates and times will be communicated in advance. At the moment, the event organizers are still keeping the participants of the upcoming events a secret.

The meeting will be broadcast live from the new AM Solutions Customer Experience Center. Manuel Laux, director of AM Solutions - 3D post-processing technology, explains: “Anyone dealing with the topic of Additive Manufacturing is likely to be overwhelmed by reports about the many innovative applications of this technology. With our interactive event, we, together with our guests, want to shed light on the question 'Additive manufacturing is changing the world. Is this just a vision or is it already a reality? And it provides information on the current situation! ”Live broadcasts are in English and are accessible from anywhere in the world.

Sources from AM Solutions state "design freedom, light-weight construction, efficient resource utilization, cost and time savings, these are some of the keywords that are frequently expressed in conjunction with Additive Manufacturing (AM). Add to this the potential effects on established logistical systems, the need for personnel to drop traditional engineering philosophies and the potential to individualize products and adapting them to the wishes and requirements of the consumers to an extent, so far thought impossible. Does this mean that Additive Manufacturing is changing the world? Are these things really true, and what is the actual situation in the field of AM? How, and in which industries, are 3D printing technologies already used? And what is still just a vision? With its new interactive live series “inside AM” AM Solutions – 3D post processing technology, a brand of the Rösler Group that specializes on 3D post processing solutions, will try to answer these and other questions.

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